Tabriz cellophane
The product you need, Made to your specifications
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Tabriz cellophane
All kinds of packaging needs
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Best quality

Reasonable prices by eliminating middlemen

The world's latest technology and equipment in production

Various products for different needs


About Tabriz cellophane

who are we

Tabriz cellophane is ready to provide products to our valued customers with the support of rich experience and expertise with more than twenty years of experience in the field of cellophane and polyethylene. Using the latest advanced technologies and the most modern production equipment, this collection tries to produce and market the best and highest quality products. Contact us today to learn more about our products and discuss your business needs.


We are a professional team!

Considering customer satisfaction and using the most premium raw materials, Tabriz cellophane has started wide and diverse production of polymer products that will satisfy every consumer.

Nylon and cellophane Bags Customized to Your Size Requirements



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No. 67 first Daraee street, Tabriz, Iran

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